
Expanded Aesthetics

Download Latest Version 1.3.7

My mod mainly focuses on adding new aesthetic items to Minecraft. From Lanters that hang on the ceiling, to new kinds of blocks, to new redstone components. Of primary note is that I have added several new ores into the world that all spawn at varying levels of have different rarities. Those metals are: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Steel, Mithril, Platinum, Titanium, Silver, Imperial Gold, Celestial Bronze, and Stygian Iron. As far as new aesthetics go, most types of blocks that were missing significant items to craft out of now have things like doors, lamps, and lanterns that can be made. ie, Any of the polished stone, all of the types of wood, even obsidian. To see how items are crafted, use the above search bar to find items.

This mod makes the new metal progression (in order of strength):
Gold < Copper < Bronze/Iron < Steel < Mithril < Celestial Bronze/Imperial Gold < Diamond < Obsidian
You can also craft certain cold iron items by combing their iron component with a block of ice in the alloy furnace. When wearing a full set of Cold Iron armor, you gain Fire Resistance in the Nether. In addition, Cold Iron swords do 1.5X damage to all entities while in the Nether.
To see what items I've added to this mod, search for an item using the searchbar above, or check the changelog.

My mod requires Minecraft 1.12, and Minecraft Forge 14.21
To use my mod, download a version from below and place the Jar file in %appdata%\.minecraft\mods


1.4.0 (1.16.3) - Download

  1. Upgraded to 1.16.3!
  2. Lanterns are darker, they give off 12 light instead of 13
  3. Birch Lanterns can now be removed by hand
  4. Lanterns can now be placed on the floor
  5. The proper tool to use on wooden Stable Doors is now an Axe
  6. Lamps are now two-height blocks just like doors
  7. Added a Dark Oak Stable Door, Spruce Stable Door, and a Jungle Wood Stable Door
  8. Added a Spruce Lamp and a Spruce Lantern
  9. After a long and arduous time of debating (Note: only a few seconds), I made the hard decision to remove all new beds previously added
  10. Added a Crimson Wood Lamp, Crimson Wood Lantern, Crimson Wood Stable Door, and Crimson Wood Stairs Alt
  11. Added a Warped Wood Lamp, Warped Wood Lantern, Warped Wood Stable Door, and Warped Wood Stairs Alt
  12. Fixed the Celestial Bronze Sword and the Cold Iron Sword dealing more damage than intended
  13. The Stygian Iron sword now has a 50% chance to apply Wither 3 on-hit (Lasting 3 seconds, dealing 3 hearts of damage). It also has a base damage of 7 and an Attack Speed of 1.8. In reference to Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold, it has the best Single-Hit damage but the lowest Attack Speed
  14. The Celestial Bronze sword now has a base 25% chance to deal 2X damage. Every hit that doesn't deal 2X damage increases the chance of the next hit by 5%. This equates to roughly a 34.25% chance. It also has a base damage of 5 and an Attack Speed of 2. In reference to Stygian Iron and Imperial Gold, it has the best DPS but the lowest Single Hit damage
  15. The Imperial Gold sword now has a 50% chance to apply Weakness 1 on-hit (Lasting 4 seconds, reducing damage dealt by 4 hearts). It also has a base damage of 6 and an Attack Speed of 2.2. In reference to Celestial Bronze and Stygian Iron, it has the best Attack Speed
  16. Imperial Gold Nuggets now require Basalt as a base instead of Magma
  17. The Imperial Gold Sword, Celestial Bronze Sword, and the Stygian Iron Sword now require a Titanium Ingot instead of a wooden stick
  18. I have removed Titanium Reinforced versions of tools. I will be finding different, more useful uses of Titanium instead
  19. Removed all hammers except the Copper Hammer. The Copper Hammer now behaves as a pickaxe
  20. Orichalcum armor now works slightly different:
    • Wearing the Orichalcum Helmet gives you Night Vision 1 while underwater
    • Wearing the Orichalcum Chest gives you Resistance 1 while underwater
    • Wearing the Orichalcum Boots gives you Dolphin's Grace 1 while underwater
    • Wearing all four pieces of Orichalcum Armor gives you Water Breathing 1 while underwater

1.3.7 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Fixed the Diamond Chicken to now drop a random dye in the game, with a 10% chance to drop a diamond. They will drop an egg every 5 to 10 minutes, like a normal chicken, and a dye/diamond every 10 to 20 minutes.
  2. Tables are now better! If you place a table next to another one, they will automatically connect to each other and look pretty!
  3. Added a way to convert 9 of the same dye into a dye block to further reduce their storage space.
  4. Added a hammer, which will allow you to convert stair blocks into a ramp blocks and vice-versa.
  5. Added Ramp Blocks: Any stair block can be turned into a ramp by right clicking the block with a hammer, and can be turned back into stairs via the same manner.
  6. Added new stairs: End Stone Stairs, End Stone Brick Stairs
  7. Added new alternate stairs: End Stone Stairs Alt, End Stone Brick Stairs Alt, Sandstone Stairs Alt, Red Sandstone Stairs Alt, Nether Brick Stairs Alt, Purpur Stairs Alt, Quartz Stairs Alt, Stone Brick Stairs Alt
  8. Added new slabs: End Stone Slabs, End Stone Brick Slabs.
  9. Rebalanced Axe damage, and slightly tweaked the damage of swords.
  10. Added a new redstone component: A Player Detector. This device will supply a redstone signal when a player walks within a 5x5x3 cube above the detector.
  11. Added a Monster Detector and an Everything Detector as well that follow the same rules as the Player Detector. (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Made the alloy furnace work better. A hopper on top will insert fuel, while a hopper on any side will insert into the two input slots. Also, if both slots are filled with items, but no valid recipe is found that requires both items, only one stack will be smelted at a time.
  2. The recipe book now works properly on the crafting tables introduced by this mod.
  3. Added a new boss: His Royal Slimeness! He is 6 blocks wide and 6 blocks tall, has 80 health and deals 3, 5, or 8 damage in Easy, Normal, or Hard mode respectively.
  4. Added a new monster. The Slime Scout. Upon killing one, another one will spawn within 50 blocks in a random direction. After anywhere from 8 to 18 are killed, His Royal Slimeness will spawn nearby.
  5. You can now smelt Titanium Ore into Titanium Ingots.
  6. Halloween Slimes, Slime Scouts, and His Royal Slimeness, can now spawn in slime chunks.
  7. Slime Scouts drop Copper and Silver Slime Coins. You can upgrade 9 copper coins to 1 silver coin at a crafting table, and you can upgrade 9 silver coins to 1 gold coin as well.
  8. His Royal Slimeness will drop Copper, Silver, and Gold Slime coins, along with some slimeballs.
  9. Using Gold Slime Coins and Slime Blocks, you can craft a Slime Infested Coin which, when used, will summon His Royal Slimeness.
  10. Added a new material: Orichalcum. You can craft an Orichalcum Ingot at an Alloy Furnace from a Copper Block and a Prismarine Shard.
  11. Orichalcum Ingots can be used to craft Orichalcum Armor and Orichalcum tools.
    • When you craft the Orichalcum Boots, they will automatically become enchanted with Depth Strider III.
    • When wearing an Orichalcum Helmet, you will gain Night Vision while underwater.
    • When wearing a full set of Orichalcum Armor, you gain Water Breathing while underwater.
    • Orichalcum tools, while underwater, will apply Haste 2 to you, which increases your mining and attack speed by 40%.
  12. Tank Zombies now have a 33% chance to spawn with a steel sword, an 8% chance to spawn with an Obsidian Sword, a 4% chance with a Diamond Sword, and a 2% chance with a Celestial Bronze sword.
  13. The Tank Zombie now behaves more like regular zombies. It has a 1% chance to spawn as a Baby Tank Zombie.
  14. Slightly rebalanced Obsidian swords and tools by decreasing their max number of uses from 500 to 300 and their effective damage from 6 to 4. They also will now "shatter" on every use which will reduce the number of uses by 10 instead of 1 and will apply a bleed effect to whatever is hit (Actually applies Wither I which deals a half heart of damage every 2 seconds).
  15. Slightly rebalanced Steel swords and tools by decreasing their efficiency from 6.5 to 6 to be more in line with Iron tools.
  16. Added a new creeper type that will only show up between February 1st and February 20th. The Lovely Creeper. It explodes in a shower of hearts instead of destroying blocks. It drops four different colors of sweetheart's candy!
  17. Added another new creeper type, the Frozen Creeper, that shows up in cold biomes and forests. When it explodes, it converts all blocks around it in a pyramid shape to ice blocks. The pyramid is double in size if it's a charged creeper.
  18. Holiday mobs will no longer despawn if they have been given a name.
  19. Watch out for April Fools Day!
  20. Doubled Mithrils base enchantibility (from 4 to 8).
  21. Made Titanium Ore more rare in the world.
  22. You can now reinforce Gold, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Diamond, Obsidian, and Orichalcum tools and weapons. This can only be done on unenchanted items!
    • If you combine said tool with a Titanium Ingot in the alloy furnace, it will increase the items durability by 25% while decreasing it's enchantability by 50%.
    • If you combine said tool with a Titanium Block in the alloy furnace, it will increase the items durability by 50% while decreasing it's enchantability by 50%.
  23. Rare Items are now indicated with a yellow/orange-ish name. Rare items currently include: Stygian Iron Ingots and Swords, Celestial Bronze Ingots and Swords, Imperial Gold Ingots and Swords, Orichalcum Ingots and Swords, Ghost Peppers, and Circuits.
  24. Added a Lightning Rod block that is 3 units high. During a thunderstorm, it has a low chance of being struck by lightning which will "charge" the rod. You can then use an empty bottle on it to remove the "charge" from the rod and store it in the bottle, which will give you Lightning in a Bottle which, when thrown will call down a bolt a lightning from the sky wherever it lands.
  25. If the lightning rod is the tallest thing in the 16x16 area around it, it will be 40% more likely to be struck.
  26. Red Sweethearts, Yellow Sweethearts, Green Sweethearts, Blue Sweethearts, and Candy Cane's now apply 3 seconds of stacking swiftness when eaten.
  27. You can craft sweetheart blocks out of the sweethearts. Those blocks can be used to craft a unique set of furniture.
  28. Misc other changes and optimizations.
  29. the sweetheart door not having a proper name in the inventory.
  30. the flame position on many lanterns and the Oak and Jungle lamps. No more random flames floating in the air!
  31. the minecraft code decides to send NULL as the direction a hopper is inserting into, I was forced to rework how hoppers interact with the alloy furnace. A hopper on top of the alloy furnace will insert into the leftmost slot in the GUI, while a hopper on the side will insert into the fuel slot (if a fuel item is in the hopper) or the rightmost slot in the GUI otherwise.
  32. now having a bounding box, meaning you can't walk through them anymore.
  33. Alloy Furnace now drops itself when broken!
  34. the code for checking if a Lighting Rod should be struck by lightning.
  35. that smelting a reinforced celestial bronze, imperial gold, or stygian iron sword would give a reinforced orichalcum sword.
  36. can now repair tools properly at the anvil. (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Fixed Pulse Generators dropping Edge Detectors when broken. Or was it the other way around?
  2. Acacia wood now has a lamp and lantern you can craft!
  3. Jungle wood now has a lamp and lantern you can craft!
  4. You can now smelt tin ore into ingots.
  5. Fixed the name on silver pressure plates.
  6. The new ores are no longer affected by the fortune enchantment, because that's just broken... Copper ore still is though since it drops nuggets instead.
  7. Fixed the corn tortilla recipe. It now produces a corn tortilla instead of a flour one.
  8. You can now use any kind of pepper in a burrito, not just the ghost pepper. You can also now use a corn tortilla instead of a flour one if you prefer.
  9. The bread bowl recipe now produces 3 bread bowls instead of 2.
  10. The Chicken Soup in Bread Bowl recipe now produces Chicken Soup in Bread Bowl instead of Chicken Soup.
  11. Added Beetroot Soup in Bread Bowl, Rabbit Stew in Bread Bowl, and Mushroom Stew in Bread Bowl recipes.
  12. Modified the Stygian Iron Sword and Imperial Gold Sword recipes to match other sword recipes.
  13. Modified the recipe to make bronze ingots from copper and tin ingots to match the method of creating bronze nuggets, and changed the recipe to produce bronze nuggets instead of bronze ingots.
  14. Modified the hardness, resistance, and mining tier of the Gold Brick, Silver Brick, and Copper Brick. They no longer require a diamond pickaxe to mine. Just an iron one or better!
  15. Slightly rebalanced obsidian tools to have just above half the number of uses as before, and barely increased its enchantibility.
  16. Fixed certain mobs spawning invisible. Namely the Candy Cane Spider, and the Orange Slime.
  17. Polished Diorite Lamps now have a break texture.
  18. Lanterns will now face different directions based on what direction you are facing when you place it.
  19. Lamps and Lanterns are now solid and can't be walked through!
  20. Fixed a server crash related to how the holiday entities despawned when it wasn't their respective holiday season.
  21. Fixed a server crash related to an unknown problem in the Tank Zombie entity.

1.3.4 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Fixed Gingerbread Doors not dropping themselves.
  2. Be careful with these new redstone components:
    • Not Gate: Invert's it's input. If the input is greater than 0, the output is 0. If the input is 0, the output is 15.
    • T Flip-Flop: Keeps track of the previous output. Flips the out put signal whenever an input is recieved.
    • Edge Detector: Has 3 modes: Rising Edge Detector, Falling Edge Detector, and Dual Edge Detector. Outputs a quick pulse when a signal edge is detected based on its current mode.
    • Pulse Generator: Has 4 modes: 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 Redstone Tick delay. Sends out a quick pulse at an adjustable time interval.
  3. Added a new item, the Circuit, which is used in making the advanced redstone components above.

1.3.3 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Added a break texture to the new furnace model.
  2. Copper Nuggets should have a proper name
  3. Rockin' Around, the Candy Cane Tree, at the Christmas Party Hop....Ah SPIDER!
  4. Added a new mob, the candy cane spider! It looks like a candy cane, comes in two colors and drops candy canes when it dies. It moves faster than you can run and has less health than regular spiders! Muahahaha
  5. Candy Canes can be turned into blocks and can be built with. You can also light a candy cane on fire to make a candy cane torch, just don't lick it!
  6. Added Candy Cane Stairs, Candy Cane Stairs (Alt), Candy Cane Slabs, Candy Cane Lamps, Candy Cane Doors, Candy Cane Lanterns, and Candy Cane Torches.
  7. You can also create a Candy Cane Sword which has 10 uses, deals no damage and pushes your foes faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away! See you on the other side!
  8. Pumpkin Slimes also now are proper sizes, because who doesn't like a large orange slime jumping towards you?
  9. NOT THE GUMDROP BUTTON! You can now make your very own gingerbread house for Gingy and his wife to live at!
  10. Added new gingerbread items! You can now craft Gingerbread Blocks, Gingerbread Lamps, Gingerbread Lanterns, Gingerbread Doors, Gingerbread Torches, Gingerbread Tables, Gingerbread Chairs, Gingerbread Stairs, Gingerbread Stairs (Alternate), and Gingerbread Slabs!
  11. You can also craft Icing to create Iced Gingerbread Blocks!.
  12. With Ice Gingerbread Blocks, you can craft Iced Gingerbread Stairs, Iced Gingerbread Stairs (Alternate), and Iced Gingerbread Slabs
  13. You can also craft gumdrops of different colors: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue!
  14. Powdered sugar is also now a thing so you can make icing!
  15. Ever wish you could sit on a candy cane at a candy cane table? Well, now you can! See the candy cane chair recipe and the candy cane table recipe!
  16. Added a Long Redstone Repeater that works just like a regular repeater except that it will delay a signal for 1, 2, 3, or 4 seconds respectively.

1.3.2 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Fixed some things not having a proper localized name.
  2. Fixed that harvesting a strawberry plant would drop blueberry seeds.
  3. Few minor bug fixes

1.3.1 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Using the new pickaxes should no longer crash the game!
  2. Fixed new axes, hoes, and shovels also not working properly.
  3. Added recipes to the campfire and the furnace that should have been added before. Namely: browned beef, scrambled eggs, salt, pancakes, and toast.

1.3.0 (1.12.2) - Download

  1. Stepped on a few more bugs.
  2. Become a chef! You can now harvest blueberries, strawberries, and bell peppers! You can plant them using seeds just like wheat.
  3. Added heavy cream, flour, salt, butter, bread bowls, chicken broth, pancake batter, tortilla, corn tortilla, ground beef, alfredo sauce, potato soup, potato soup in bread bowl, chicken soup, chicken soup in bread bowl, pancake, chocolate chip pancake, blueberry pancake, apple pancake, scrambled eggs, sliced bread, toast, chicken sandwich, burrito, taco, cheese, browned beef, hamburger, cheeseburger, vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, neopolitan ice cream, pasta, fettuccini alfredo, chicken fettuccini alfredo, salsa, and corn chips. More will be added in the future.
  4. The recipes for Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold have changed.
  5. Added Stygian Iron to the game.
  6. The alloy furnace can now smelt copper, bronze, and anything else it should have been able to before.
  7. Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold drop a lot more experience after being smelted.
  8. Fixed the new slabs introduced in the last version!
  9. Disabled the Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold tool recipes.
  10. Slightly re-balanced all new weapons/tools (Copper/Bronze/Steel/Mithril/Celestial Bronze/Imperial Gold/Stygian Iron) as preliminary fixes for the next update.
  11. Imperial Gold swords now have a 75% chance to set monsters on fire for 4 seconds. Fire consumes ALL!
  12. Celestial Bronze now has a chance to inflict 3 bonus damage. (It starts with a base chance of 30% and goes up 10% on each subsequent swing that doesn't do extra damage.)
  13. Imperial gold now has a base chance of 75% to set your target on fire for 4 seconds on hit. It Burns!!!!!
  14. Stygian Iron now has a chance of 66.6% to apply the wither effect to your target for 4 seconds on hit. The power of wither skeletonds in your hands!
  15. Added a new and improved zombie mob to the game that has a low chance of spawning. He moves faster, has more health, and deals more damage. On death, he will drop rotten flesh, and has a chance to drop strawberry seeds, blueberry seeds, and very rarely a diamond.
  16. Changed the texture of the Obsidian Sword, Celestial Bronze Sword, Imperial Gold Sword, Mithril Sword, and Cold Iron Sword.

1.2.3 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. Squashed some more bugs.
  2. Now you can cut Polished Diorite, Polished Andesite, Polished Granite, Polished Obsidian, Polished Obsidian Bricks, Gold Bricks, Silver Bricks, and Copper Bricks in half to make a slab!
  3. Worried that a creeper might step on your pressure plate at night? Well, just make a silver pressure plate instead. It can only be activated by players!
  4. All stone doors (Polished Andesite, Polished Diorite, Polished Granite, Cobblestone, and Obsidian), now require a button or a pressure plate to open. Aren't you glad there's a silver pressure plate now?
  5. Added the ability to smelt silver ore into silver ingots.
  6. The Alloy Furnace shouldn't eat your precious experience anymore. I've also standardized the amount of XP that smelting certain things gives you.
  7. Cold Iron Armor should also properly apply Fire Resistance in the nether now. No more taking damage from lava! Ha!

1.2.2 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. Fixed custom Gui's still not opening! I found where I misplaced them and put them back.
  2. No more focefully being kicked out when you go to the nether. Remind me why you wanted to go there in the first place though?

1.2.1 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. The Alloy Furnace is now actually a thing. Sorry about that.
  2. Fixed an odd server crash. Don't worry though, it only happened when you tried to launch the minecraft server.
  3. Campfire's should let you smelt things now on a server!
  4. Campfire's also shouldn't revert to an Oak campfire when broken!
  5. Added an Acacia Stable Door

1.2.0 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. Ever wonder why you couldn't make a mithril shovel? Me too. Well now you can, along with copper, bronze, steel, and obsidian!
  2. Farming is easier with an obsidian hoe! As well with a copper, bronze, steel, and mithril hoe!
  3. Because copper is so malleable, a copper pickaxe would bend at first contact. We can't have that now can we. No worries though, you can smash things with a copper hammer instead. It works just like a wood pickaxe, but lasts longer and does more damage! Woo!
  4. Copper ore is boring, so how about some copper nuggets instead? Starting today, all copper ore will drop nuggets. Any left over ore can be crafted into two nuggets each.
  5. Copper ain't so hard anymore. You're hand can mine it now.
  6. Gone are the days of not being able to repair your silver swords. The anvil has been taught how to repair them. I even gave it a crash course on copper, bronze, steel, mithril, and obsidian tools.
  7. The old crafting table was hiddeous so I've changed the way it looks. And to spice things up, I also added a custom crafting table for each of the different woods! Enjoy!
    DISCLAIMER: Because of how minecraft works I cannot automatically upgrade all current crafting tables to the new model. Thus, I have added a recipe to allow you to do so.
  8. Birch is no longer different from the other woods. It now has a lamp and lantern for all your lighting needs.
  9. The old furnace was just a cube. The new furnace, while still a cube, has some character to it.
  10. Speaking for furnaces. I introduce to you a new upgrade! The Alloy Furnace! Available in white only. It has these properties:
    To craft this new furnace, check here!
    1. Has two input slots instead of one! Oooo
    2. Can smelt mithril ore into mithril ingots
    3. Can turn iron ingots into steel ingots by combining two of them together. Ahhh
    4. Fuel burns faster as the furnace requires a higher temperature.
    5. The regular furnace can no longer smelt celestial bronze nuggets, but the Alloy Furnace can!
    6. The regular furnace can no longer smelt imperial gold nuggets, but the Alloy Furnace can!
    7. The regular furnace can no longer smelt mithril ore, but the Alloy Furnace can!
    8. Things that can be crafted in a regular furnace smelt faster in this furnace. Oooo
  11. Do you get cold at night? Are you afraid of zombies eating your brains? Well, say goodbye to those miserable nights. I introduce to you the Campfire! It's sure to keep monsters away. As an added bonus, you can even cook food over the campfire! Nifty huh!
    The campfire comes in 6 types: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak. It can also be used to smelt copper nuggets into copper ingots. See how to craft it here!
  12. Looking for new ways to express yourself? Try out these new armors (in order of protection): Copper > Bronze > Steel > Cold Iron > Mithril > Imperial Gold / Celestial Bronze
  13. Cold Iron Sword can now be crafted! They deal 1.5X damage to entities in the Nether (which makes them deal more damage than Diamond Swords, but only in the nether!) Take that Zombie Pigmen!
  14. Ooo! It Burns! Well not anymore. Wearing a full set of Cold Iron Armor gives you fire resistance in the nether! How ice.
  15. The recipe to craft polished obsidian is no longer unique. It now gives four polished obsidian blocks instead of three.
  16. If you're wondering what I have planned: Mirrors made out of silver, more chest types, balance updates, more shields, damage bonuses against certain creatures for Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and Cold Iron. Just to name a few things...

1.1.1 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. Fixed some recipes not working
  2. Fixed lamps not having flames
  3. Fixed the texture near the bottom of the oak lamp
  4. Added recipe for Birch Lamp

1.1.0 (1.12.0) - Download

  1. Lanterns can now be hung on the underside of stairs and fences
  2. Fixed the missing texture for dark oak stairs alt
  3. Added Polished Andesite, Glass (All Colors),Polished Granite, Terracotta, and Polished Obsidian Stairs
  4. Added Acacia Wood, Polished Andesite, Birch Wood, Brick, Cobblestone, Glass (All Colors), Polished Granite, Jungle Wood, Terracotta, Polished Obsidian, and Spruce Wood Stairs (Alternate)
  5. New stair recipes now produce 4 instead of 3
  6. New stair (alternate) recipes now produce 2 instead of 3
  7. Modified the texture of the Polished Obsidian Door
  8. Misc name adjustments
  9. Added Gold Brick blocks (crafted from a stone brick an a gold ingot), Gold Brick Stairs, and Gold Brick Stairs - Alternate
  10. Added Copper Brick blocks (crafted from a stone brick an a copper ingot), Copper Brick Stairs, and Copper Brick Stairs - Alternate
  11. Added Silver Brick blocks (crafted from a stone brick an a silver ingot), Silver Brick Stairs, and Silver Brick Stairs - Alternate
  12. Fixed Bronze Nugget recipe to produce 9 bronze nuggets instead of 1
  13. Modified Celestial Bronze nuggets recipe to require 2 bronze nuggets instead of 6
  14. Modified Imperial Gold nuggets recipe to require 1 gold ore instead of 3 gold ore
  15. Modified Imperial Gold ingot recipe to require 1 gold ingot instead of 3 gold ingots
  16. Added the ability to smelt copper ore into copper ingots

1.0.3 (1.11.2) - Download

  1. You should now be able to smelt copper, tin, platinum, steel, imperial gold, celestial bronze, and cold iron in a forge.
  2. Reduced the efficiency (how fast a block is mined) of silver tools to be equal to stone.
  3. Increased the efficiency of mithril tools slightly.
  4. Decreased the efficiency of celestial bronze tools.
  5. Increased efficiency on imperial gold tools.
  6. Increased the efficiency and decreased the enchantibility of obsidian tools.
  7. Stable doors, and many other doors now drop themselves when broken
  8. Added ore blocks for all the new ores

1.0.2 (1.11.2) - Download

  1. Mithril tools and weapons have had their attack speeds and attack damages reduced so that Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold can reign supreme again, as far as metals go.
  2. Bronze, Steel, Mithril, Celestial Bronze, and Imperial Gold axe's are now effective against all fences and gates, and cut cactus blocks.
  3. Just kidding. New ores now drop their respective blocks.
  4. Added Obsidian Axe, Pickaxe, and Sword. Crush your enemies under the weight of this stone.

1.0.1 (1.11.2) - Download

  1. Certain items no longer disappear when mined from the world. (Basically all new metal ores, lamps, lanterns...)

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